
Posts Tagged ‘barack obama’

Michelle Malkin has the play-by-play here.

Since we cannot watch the pregame, here is the Obama lineup:

CF – Poor Union Worker

2B – People with no Food in Their Refrigerator

LF – 64 Prescription Drugs a day Wal-Mart Worker

1B – Swing State Governors

3B – Tax Cuts for $250,000… oops, I mean $200,000 and under

SS – Joltin’ Joe Biden

C – Los Angels Times

RF – Kansas Values (obtained growing up in Indonesia and Hawaii)

DH/ P – Karl Marx

Off the bench (literally) – Ohio ACORN voters

In the bullpen warming up: Barney Frank, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid.

And this nice article which is a wet blanket on Obama’s theater:

The US press has repeatedly rehearsed Mr Obama’s extraordinary odyssey, but the other side of the family’s American experience has only been revealed in parts. Just across town from where Mr Obama made history as the first black president of the Harvard Law Review, some of his closest blood relatives have confronted the harshness of immigrant life in America.

Thanks Sweetness and Light.

And Gateway Pundit has a post about how Cubans smell the socialism.

They would know, right?!

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Here are great current event illustrations of supply and demand, inflation, prices, and government intervention in a socialist economy.

Venezuela’s Central Bank says the annual inflation rate has hit 36 percent in the Caracas metropolitan area as food prices soared.
Prices for goods and services, health and restaurants also showed strong gains. Inflation in the oil-producing nation is rising as demand outpaces supply.

Story here.

President Hugo Chavez has figured out how to use Venezuela’s vast oil reserves to increase his regional influence while diminishing U.S. clout: He all but gives it away.

The self-proclaimed socialist revolutionary is allowing impoverished U.S. allies such as Honduras and the Dominican Republic to buy discounted oil with low-interest loans. Then he rebates the revenue back to those countries in the form of aid – – attached to strings he controls.

Story here.

President Hugo Chavez on Sunday threatened to cut off oil sales to the United States in an “economic war” if Exxon Mobil Corp. wins court judgments to seize billions of dollars in Venezuelan assets.

Story here.

The blackout hit several of the country’s most populous states, including the capital, Caracas.Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez praised officials for quickly detecting and beginning to repair the fault.Mr Chavez says upgrading the grid after years of under-investment will take time but rejects criticism that nationalisation has made things worse.

Story here.

So Chavez is:
1) Giving away oil (except to USA)
2) Threatening to cut off oil to the USA- the only country which actually pays market price for it
3) All while he cannot provide electricity for the oil rich country
4) And normal people are paying 36% more for food

Nice, don’t you think?

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The MSM will say Obama won because he didn’t have to perform- he’s ahead.  This has been the same narrative for each of the debates.  Obama doesn’t have to do anything but show up. Just body surf and glow while on Rolling Stone magazine every month.  John McCain, a completely proven, tested, and known commodity, has to prove himself.

What’s down is up, what’s up is down.

This is an impossible task for John McCain.

Barack Obama only needs to “look presidential” and “stay cool.”

For goodness sakes, are we nominating a president or The Fonze?

Meanwhile, after late January 2009,  “Heather Has Two Mommies” will be read on the 1st grade buses on the way to your local gay marriage field trip.

And what does John McCain have to do?  The media says, at every debate, he must “deliver a knockout blow,” or “change the game,” or “cause Obama to make a serious mistake.”

With the bar set so low for Obama and the bar set so high for McCain, how can John McCain ever win one of these debates?


Debate Commentary

Will he or won’t he?  That is the question for tonight’s debate.

Will John McCain tie Barack Obama to Bill Ayers, ACORN, and the financial mess?  Or will Obama put this out of reach?

Log your opinion!

Here are a few news stories breaking this evening.

About 200K Ohio voters have records discrepancies

Biden routes campaign cash to family, their firms,Discloses $2 million in business arrangements

Live blogging this evening:

Michelle Malkin

Hot Air

Stop the ACLU

American Thinker

Gateway Pundit

Here we go!

Joe The Plumber Question

Who is Joe the Plumber?  Here’s a link.

– So how many times will we hear “Wall Street” and “greed”?

– PLEASE!!!  Are we going to hear talking points all night?

– McCain brings up the plumber!  Excellent!

– McCain is stumbling over Joe the Plumber.


Finally, the second question!

– Investing in health care now prevents diseases so health care in the future will be less expensive?  What?  Nice one Barry O!

– McCain is sounding very good on cuts in the budget and sounds like a fighter!  Good for him!

Here comes the Bill Ayers stuff…

… Or maybe not!  But McCain was very good.

Will Obama condemn Lewis’s remarks about McCain? Sort of, I guess, maybe.

McCain is fighting!!!!!  GOOD!!!!!!

Ayers and ACORN in the same sentence!!! YES!!

McCain is hitting Ayers and ACORN.  Did this really happen?

It wasn’t enough.  More Ayers, more character problems, how about a question about Obama being a member of the New Party – a socialist group in Chicago- during the 1990’s?

McCain says – why do we always have to spend more?  GREAT!

Obama is not really on his game tonight…lots of ummms and ahhss

McCain hits Obama on the “look at” drilling for oil.  THIS IS A GREAT POINT.

McCain hits Obama on Colombia, Obama defends Colombian unions?  Wha?

Health Care Question

– Obama starts of with the typical emotional health care appeal. Remember, he thinks health care is a right for every American.

– If you PAY FOR your health insurance, you are fine.  We like you.  You are the same suckers who pay your mortgage.

– If you DON’T PAY FOR your health insurace, you will receive it for FREE because I will fine employers who do not provide it and tax all of the responsible people in America.

– McCain – Obama will fine you if you don’t provide health care.  More Joe the Plumber.  I bet Joe never knew he would cause all of this drama.

– OK, so Obama only wants to fine large companies!  No  Democratic voters to pander to there.

– The average health care plan costs $12,000 Barry?

– Wondeful Freudian slip!  Senator Government!  HA!

Question on Abortion

– McCain will not impose litmus test on a Supreme Court nominee

– Who would be a Supreme Court nominee for Obama?  Scary thought?

– Obama on abortion- Constitution has a right to privacy.

– McCain hist Obama on infanticide!!!  FINALLY!!!!!

– Obama could possibly be the MOST EXTREME politician ever on abortion.

Find out more here.

And Obama has the nerve to have a pro-life website.

Education Question

– We spend the most money but don’t have the best students

– McCain – throwing money at the problem is not the answer


– Why is school competition bad?

Ha!  Michelle Malkin makes this great point:

Obama called on people to put down their video games, but as a McCain staffer e-mails: “But he advertises on them? Disingenuous.”

That about sums up Obama’s entire campaign.  Say one thing do another.  Machiavelli rules.

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Nice.  Those evil fat cat plumbers and other small business owners need to be more patriotic:

Democracy is a form of government that cannot long survive, for as soon as the people learn that they have a voice in the fiscal policies of the government, they will move to vote for themselves all the money in the treasury, and bankrupt the nation. – Karl Marx

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Summary: Campaign slogans over and over.  Tom Brokaw serves up a bland diet of questions fit for a diabetic. Nothing challenging, nothing insightful, just slogans the whole night from both sides. Don’t bother to watch if you’ve DVR’d this.

Naturally, a tie goes to Obama because of his lead, his smile, and his body surfing ability.  Did I mention his smile?

Obama will be said to look, “presidential” and McCain didn’t do anything to further his case. Perhaps he should get a grill to help with the youff vote.

Welcome to the “Age of Obama.” Gwen Ifill should be #1 on the NYT bestseller list at the end of January.

And, possibly the most disappointing part of the entire night – McCain says the government will buy people’s houses or renegotiate their principle.  WHAT???!!!!  How can we reward people with BETTER RATES THAN RESPONSIBLE HOME OWNERS AND REDUCE THE PRINCIPAL OF THEIR HOME!!!!

What’s the number to my congressman?  I need to renegotiate my mortgage… no, wait, how about I:

The best and honest review is here from NRO:

Great.  Memo to McCain Campaign:  Someone is either a terrorist sympathizer or he isn’t; someone is either disqualified as a terrorist sympathizer or he’s qualified for public office.  You helped portray Obama as a clealy qualified presidential candidate who would fight terrorists.

Covering tonight:

Michelle Malkin

Gateway Pundit

Hot Air

American Thinker

Obama will have shields up tonight, ready to deflect all of the “slime” and talk about the “real issues” of the campaign.  I guess the character and judgment of the President of the United States is not a real issue.

Cough. Ah-emm.

So if BHO gets elected, who would be his Cabinet and other appointments?

Bill Ayers for Secretary of Education?

Nah… a preemptive Obama strike here counts that out.  Pretty interesting they’d even preclude that argument.

Jamie Gorelick for Attorney General?

Find out more here.

Tonight! In Search Of… An Obama plan for the economy. (none found, btw)

McCain advocates for the government repricing of homes. Hmm.  Can I revalue my home? No, we pay our bills. THIS IS SICK!!!

– McCain hits Obama on Fannie and Freddie.  Is it enough? Not really.

– Obama is doing a lot of “understanding” with everyone.  A 21st century, “I feel your pain” moment.

– Obama talks about his spending cuts?  What specifically are his spending cuts?  Defense?

– McCain says Obama earmarked a 3 million dollar overhead projector?  Crazy.  But is it enough?

– McCain is “reaching across the isle” all night.   Yikes.

– McCain is going to cut defense spending?  Is this his best point?  Why doesn’t he bring up the million dollar earmark Michelle Obama received from Barack for her hospital? Come on John!

– Obama brings up the post 9/11 service angle again.  Bush wanted us to shop?  Of course he doesn’t think of the brave American men and women who were a part of the SERVICE- the US armed forces.  What a jerk.

– If this debate continues like this Obama will be up 20 points at the end of the week.

– Obama brings up the “sharing the burden” complete nonsense line. Rich people don’t pay enough taxes in this country?  This is such deception- the top 5% of earners carry the bulk of the personal tax load in this country.

– Gloves are on tonight.  Where is the tough talk from McCain???

Michelle Malkin is right, what about the earmarks for the bailout?  Did McCain vote against these?

First Internet question: What sacrifices will Americans have to make?

McCain talks about eliminating government programs.

“We have to eliminate the earmarks.”

Except all the ones he just supported in the Crap Sandwich bailout!

Obama- government scientists invented the computer?! HAHAHA

Obama question: Should healthcare be treated as a commodity?  He won’t answer this question directly.

Obama – healthcare is a right in America. Wow.

So is home ownership.

The Obama Doctrine!  Here it is:

It is an enduring Democratic principle that this duty obligates the left to invent, anticipate and counter racial threats, using all elements of power, before the threats can do grave damage. The greater the threat, the greater is the risk of inaction – and the more compelling the case for taking anticipatory action to defend ourselves, even if uncertainty remains as to the time and place of the enemy’s attack. There are few greater threats than a racial attack. To forestall or prevent such hostile acts by our adversaries, the Democrats will, if necessary, act preemptively in exercising our inherent right of self-defense.

I love that Obama knows how to pronounce Paaak -ee- stan just like a Pakistani.

Still waiting for that big Bill Ayers moment… will it happen?

I think I heard all of these answers a few weeks ago.  Can’t we have another VP debate?

Take a look at the audience during the foreign policy. ZZZZ.

McCain gives a great answer on Iran attacking Israel- we would support Israel.

Last question – “What don’t you know?”  McCain should have said – who really is Barack Obama?  Do you know this person?  I bet you don’t.


This debate was a snoozer.  Almost the same as the other.

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Bill Ayers for Secretary of Education?  Why not?

Sweetness & Light found this gem.

Hugh Hewitt has more here.

Hot Air has awesome coverage and videos here.

Seems Michelle Obama invited domestic terrorist (terrorist without quotes) Bill Ayers to a panel at the University of Chicago in 1997.

Michelle Obama, Associate Dean of Student Services and Director of the University Community Service Center, hopes bringing issues like this to campus will open a dialogue between members of the University community and the broader community.

Ayers, who spent a year observing the Cook County Temporary Juvenile Detention Center in Chicago, is one of four panelists who will speak on juvenile justice at 6 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 20, in the C-Shop.

Guess who else was on the panel with Ayers?

Barack Obama!

Ayers will be joined by Sen. Barack Obama, Senior Lecturer in the Law School, who is working to combat legislation that would put more juvenile offenders into the adult system;

The original article from the University of Chicago is here.

So Michelle organizes the event and just happens to invite ‘the neighbor we don’t exchange ideas with’ Bill Ayers and her husband, Barack Obama.

Let’s not forget this dismissive lie from Barack Obama:

Just a neighbor!

Remember the joke:

Q. What does Barack Obama and Osama bin Laden have in common?

A. They both have friends who have attacked the Pentagon

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Words come to mind when I read these articles- jerk, arrogant, buffoon- but none really are accurate enough.  We are in an age where truth does not matter, experience is a liability, and your presentation is king.

Obama says McCain has done nothing to help with the bailout.

Fox News has Obama’s comments about the bailout:

Asked during an interview on CBS’ “Face the Nation” whether McCain deserved credit for bringing lawmakers together, Obama said “no.”

“Here are the facts: For two weeks I was on the phone everyday with Secretary Paulson and the congressional leaders making sure that the principles that have been ultimately adopted were incorporated in the bill,” Obama said.

Well praise Barack from whom all blessings flow! Please allow me to get on my knees, kiss my Che shirt, hug my hammer and sickle, and genuflect over my Obama bumper sticker.  He has saved the day with his intense phone calling!  He must be more amazing on the phone than in person.

So what exactly did John McCain do?  Well, at a minimum, he sacrificed his time and showed up. I’m sure there were political calculations which came with that decision. However, McCain didn’t have to prep for the debate like Obama because he had nothing to memorize at the last minute.  No cramming needed.

Is there one cogent explanation of Obama’s ideas or what exactly he contributed to this process?  Please, just communicating is not substantive- how about an idea?  “Helping main street” you say?  Give me a break. Was he the ONE who had that idea?  I’m sure he’ll take the credit for anything good and blame the bad on the Republicans.  More Barry bipartisan.

I love this quote from the article:

Obama also said the next president should work to overhaul the regulatory structure of Wall Street, though he offered no specifics.

How about a pony for every little girl in America?  Why don’t we just buy everyone a house, give them “free” health care, “free” public transportation, “free” college, “free” “free” free”!!!

Any specifics about that pony?  Uhhh, no, not at this time.  Wait until next January and bring a coat.

As time goes on it appears that Obama will be president without facing a single issue with any depth- no more than a reflecting pool.  And I bet he loves the reflection.

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During the presidential debate on Friday Barack Obama anticipated and countered John McCain’s bracelet story with his own- except he had to look down and “uhhhh” read the bracelet (SGT Uhhhh) to remember the soldier’s name.


Here’s the video:


Now Michelle Malkin, Hot Air, and Newsbusters are all over a story started here by dehavelle.com.

Seems that Obama was asked many months ago to NOT WEAR THE BRACELET.

Tracey Jopek, the soldier’s mother and Obama supporter, asked Obama to not wear it.  She didn’t want her son’s death to be politicized.

Looks like it’s too late for that.

Here’s a radio interview with Brian Jopek, father of the solider who was killed in action, Ryan Jopek.  He says Obama was specifically asked in a letter to stop wearing the bracelet back in March of 2008.  Obviously he has not.

This is the clip from the radio interview: Obama Bracelet

And here is the entire broadcast.

The Hot Air blog post says not so fast- perhaps Obama was given permission after she said not to wear the bracelet.

It’s possible that they have changed their minds again, and not unlikely, given the family’s support for Obama.  Jopek is divorced from his wife and may not have been speaking for her.  If Tracy Jopek wanted Obama to continue to use the bracelet to make this case, or changed her mind about him stopping, then Obama did nothing wrong. However, if the Jopeks did ask him to stop wearing the bracelet and stop talking about it on the campaign trail, it’s disrespectful for Obama to continue to do so.  He should have honored their wishes and used a different example.

It will be interesting to see if this story makes it out and Obama is confronted with this issue.

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Obama wants to talk to Cuba, Venezuela, and Iran without preconditions. In the debate he said this level of diplomacy would not take place at the presidential level.

What does Obama really believe on this?  Look at his website:

Diplomacy: Obama supports tough, direct presidential diplomacy with Iran without preconditions.

Now that’s pretty clear!  I predict this will be scrubbed from his website very soon.  This statement has nothing to do with preparation work- it’s talking about PRESIDENTIAL DIPLOMACY.

Geesh.  Fix your website so we can’t catch your nuance, I mean lie, so fast.

Here’s the link. It should be gone soon.

And a video:

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Here we go!

My prediction of the first debate:

– Obama will straw man McCain all night- his foreign policy equals George Bush.

– Obama will talk in vagaries  and platitudes about what he would do.

– Obama will have a couple of tactical “zingers” for McCain.  Some stupid slogan someone would put on a bumper sticker or a shirt.  He’ll try to make one of those Jack Kennedy debate moments:

– McCain will go after Obama’s many positions on Iraq, Iran, and Pakistan

– Maybe a McCain age joke like this:


More to come…

Other Coverage:

Michelle Malkin

Huge Hewitt’s counting the umms, ahhs, and ohhs.


– Obama starts off and blames the economic crisis on McCain and Bush.

– Obama continues to pseudo-reflect McCain’s position and then put all of the bad on McCain.  He did the same thing to Hillary.

– McCain loses on a draw.  So far it’s a draw.

– 30 minutes in… how many times has Obama used the word lobbyist?

– McCain is hitting him hard on national security.  Obama uses the excuse of Biden?  What?

– Hugh Hewitt is keeping a scorecard here.

– Preparation versus precondition on speaking with Iran?  This is nuance at it’s best.

– Wow, McCain scores major points on the Iranian issue.

– McCain looking into Putin’s eyes sees three letters: K – G – B

Barack Obama’s initial statement on Georgia, which was invaded by Russia:

“I strongly condemn the outbreak of violence in Georgia, and urge an immediate end to armed conflict. Now is the time for Georgia and Russia to show restraint, and to avoid an escalation to full scale war. Georgia’s territorial integrity must be respected. All sides should enter into direct talks on behalf of stability in Georgia, and the United States, the United Nations Security Council, and the international community should fully support a peaceful resolution to this crisis.”

Obama was so wrong on this.  And there is no way he was going to expand on McCain’s comment on the region.

Here’s a video from the McCain camp DURING the debate!  It shows how many times Obama agreed with McCain.  Remeber, as I type, the debate is not over!

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